Tuesday 25 October 2016

Non Governmental Organizations in India

Lex Alliance Foundation, founded 2 years ago, is an NGO in Delhi (NCR), India, comprises people from all areas of Delhi-NCR. Our mission is betterment of the underprivileged across the country, especially women and children. Our NGO, running in Delhi-NCR, works for people living in slums or the rural population and the ones who are limited by a low status in society in the areas of social, economic, domestic, personal and cultural development.
Non Governmental Organizations in India
Along with existing development strategies of other NGO in Delhi, our NGO has emphasized alternative approaches to other values and means like access to education, quality health care, legal aid, etc.
Non Governmental Organizations in India
We aim at strengthening the foundation of our country by providing free education to the children living in slum along with free health camps including complete health check-up and enlightening the guardians on better health prospects.
Non Governmental Organizations in India
There are many NGOs in India working for the upliftment of society and one such NGO is Lex Alliance Foundation. We are one of the top NGOs in Delhi- NCR and India and our team targets every section of society that is left behind from the mainstream of the society. We aim to strengthen the less-privileged by providing them counseling on various aspects of life viz., legal awareness, skill development, etc.
Non Governmental Organizations in India
In the current scenario of India, the elites are playing a vital role in supporting and promoting the work done by the non-governmental organizations. NGOs in India are contributing significantly in India’s campaign to become a poverty-free nation. We do our bit by providing free education to children living in slum areas, organizing skill development courses for the needy, training them to earn a stable livelihood and, thus, work as bridge between the persons who are needy and the persons who are in the capacity of fulfilling their needs.
Non Governmental Organizations in India
Sourece: lexalliancefoundation.wordpress.com

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